The Quantitative Data Case


You are working on your bachelor thesis. The project is individual and experimental. You need to make a number of different experiments and combine the results. 

You will be performing most of the experiments on your own, but there are other people working in the lab, who can help you get started. 

Your official supervisor is the leader of the lab. However, she does not have time to be there much, so on a day to day basis you rely on the help of one lab-technician and two Ph.D-students working in the lab.


Learning outcome

This case will familiarize you with ethical issues that bachelor students commonly face when collecting, analyzing and presenting quantitative data. It contains dilemmas related to, for instance, handling outliers, appropriately using statistics, and proper record keeping. Questions of honesty and responsibility are also touched upon. It is not always as easy as one might think.

By reflecting on these dilemmas, you will be better prepared to handle these commonly faced issues in real life, and – importantly – be better equipped to ask questions to your teachers and fellow students that will further improve your competences.